Twice a year...
... maintenance work and checks are performed on the bridges’ piers, beams and floors.
Cleaning without water
When the workers get started at six in the morning, the bridges are almost completely deserted. This is when they replace any damaged wood in the floors. Cleaning work begins at nine o’clock. The men remove confetti, dust and spiders’ webs from the cracks between the planks using only their vacuum cleaners and without any water at all. Two of them carry heavy battery-powered vacuum cleaners with backpack-like racks on their backs. “After eight hours of vacuuming, you certainly know what you have done,” says Rohrer, laughing. “I am still vacuuming in my sleep some days.”
I love doing this job. It's great to see the bridge all spick-and-span again at the end of the day.Rainer Kersting, carpenter at the city of Lucerne